
Customer Stories


Critical Web Launch

Customer Background:

Embarking on a transformative journey, we delve into the narrative of AlphaCommerce—an avant-garde e-commerce entity on the cusp of unveiling a game-changing web platform.

The challenge that lay ahead was twofold:

a stringent four-month timeline and an existing C++ codebase sprawling over a million lines.

The Challenge:

The aspiration to revolutionize online shopping was underscored by a pressing concern—persistent server crashes within AlphaCommerce's existing C++ codebase. With the impending launch, ensuring stability, reliability, and an impeccable user experience became paramount.

Navigating the Transition: C++ to Java:

Enter Ace8, a dynamic consulting partner adept at architectural metamorphosis. The task was formidable—to transition over a million lines of C++ code to Java, while adhering to the launch timeline and eradicating the specter of server crashes.

Strategic Approach: Conversion Tools and Precision:

Armed with ingenuity, Ace8 embarked on the transformation journey. The company engineered custom conversion tools to meticulously translate C++ constructs into their Java counterparts. The process went beyond surface-level syntax, encapsulating the essence of logic and functionality.

Ace8's relentless efforts ensured a seamless translation, with each line of code adapted to Java's landscape. The result was a codebase poised for Java excellence, bolstered by a newfound stability that banished server crashes.

Triumph of Launch: A Seamless Unveiling:

The culmination arrived as AlphaCommerce's web platform went live. The transition from C++ to Java was a resounding success, evident in the crash-free experience that greeted users.What was once marred by instability was now a testament to architectural finesse.

Epilogue: A Journey of Transformation and Victory:

The AlphaCommerce case study epitomizes the synergy between technical prowess and strategic collaboration. In the face of a ticking clock, Ace8's expertise forged a path where amassive C++ codebase embraced the Java paradigm. This transition empowered AlphaCommerce's triumphant web launch—upholding excellence and defying constraints.

The narrative stands as an embodiment of strategic partnership and technological acumen, underscoring the triumph that emerges when challenges are met with innovative solutions.