Building Scalable, Efficient, and Maintainable Microservices
Ace8 provides comprehensive microservices design and development services to empower you in building highly scalable, efficient, and maintainable microservices. Our team of experts strictly adheres to industry best practices, including loose coupling and the 12Factor approach. With a specialization in eCommerce services for customers, carts, orders, returns, payments, and accounting, we offer a range of solutions tailored to your specific needs.
Accelerate your microservices development with our Golang starter kits.
Our starter kits enable you to quickly get started by running Go code in Docker containers or as AWS Lambdas.
Navigating the complexities of microservices architecture can be challenging.Trust Ace8 to guide you through the process
Our experienced team will provide you with the support and expertise you need to succeed.
If you're considering migrating your microservices architecture to AWS Lambda, our expert team is here to streamline the process for maximum efficiency. From meticulous planning and automated conversion to comprehensive redesign and implementation, we have you covered at every step.
We begin by carefully planning the migration process, considering Lambda's limitations and understanding the reasons for moving from ECS
Our specialized tools, including Code Parser, Rule Based Translation, AWS Lambda Handler Generator, AWS Lambda Template Generator, and AWS API Gateway Generator, automate the conversion process.
During the redesign phase, we conduct a thorough code review and implement best practices, such as the Dependency Injection Pattern.
We also incorporate NewRelic Telemetry and GOQU Query Builder, while eliminating the Control Freak Anti Pattern and ensuring secure SQL queries by translating them into GOQU Expressions.
We enhance your microservices architecture by creating constructor-based dependency injection facilities and adding NewRelic transaction tracing capabilities.
Additionally, we centralize configuration values using AWS Secret Manager to ensure robustness and security.
Contact Us To Speak With One of Our Experts
+1 305-204-2607
66 W. Flagler St. 9th Floor Miami, FL 33130